Uses of Class
Packages that use OrphanRevocationWrapper
Uses of OrphanRevocationWrapper in eu.europa.esig.dss.diagnostic
Methods in eu.europa.esig.dss.diagnostic that return types with arguments of type OrphanRevocationWrapperModifier and TypeMethodDescriptionFoundRevocationsProxy.getOrphanRevocationData()
Returns a list of orphan revocationsFoundRevocationsProxy.getOrphanRevocationsByOrigin
(RevocationOrigin originType) Returns a list of allOrphanRevocationWrapper
s used for the signature validation process with the givenoriginType
(RevocationRefOrigin refOrigin) Returns a list of allOrphanRevocationWrapper
s used for the signature validation process with the given reference originFoundRevocationsProxy.getOrphanRevocationsByType
(RevocationType type) Returns a list of allOrphanRevocationWrapper
s found in the signature, but not used during the validation process with the giventype
(RevocationType type, RevocationOrigin origin) Returns a list of orphan revocation data by the given origin and typeFoundRevocationsProxy.getOrphanRevocationsByTypeAndRefOrigin
(RevocationType type, RevocationRefOrigin refOrigin) Returns a list of orphan revocation data by the given reference origin and type