Package eu.europa.esig.dss.pdf
package eu.europa.esig.dss.pdf
ClassDescriptionAn abstract implementation of
An abstract implementation of IPdfObjFactory allowing to set the configuration optionsThe abstract implementation of a PDF signature serviceThis class defines a PDF annotation dimension and position (note, shape, signature field, etc.)Contains utils for a DSS dictionary content extractionLoads the relevant implementation ofPDFSignatureService
This class defines the DSS dictionary constants.Contains relative information about a PDF annotationThe usage of this interface permit the user to choose the underlying PDF library use to created PDF signatures.Defines a PDF revision containing a CMS data (signature/timestamp)The usage of this interface permit the user to choose the underlying PDF library use to created PDF signatures.This class represents an LT-level PDF revision containing a DSS dictionarySignature timestamp representation This class is only used in case of Document Timestamp (not signature-timestamp from CAdES/CMS)Reads the PDF DocumentRepresents the DSS dictionaryRepresents a PDF internal objectThis class is used to verify permissions of a PDF document and to check whether modifications are allowedDefines the executing PDF service modesThe default implementation ofPdfSignatureDictionary
This class is used as a DTO containing cached data to be used to accelerate the signature creation processThis comparator is used to sort signatures by ByteRangeThis class is used to verify the correctness of a new signature field placement within a PDF documentRepresents a PDF revision for an electronic signatureThe usage of this interface permits the user to choose the underlying PDF library used to create PDF signatures.Represents a wrapper for a simple value (Integer, String, etc.), extracted from a PDFRepresents a VRI dictionaryImplementation of IPdfObjFactory which looks for in the registered services and uses the first found instance.This class defines a list of restrictions imposed to a PDF document modifications by the current signature/fieldThis class is a representation of a DSS (Document Security Store) Dictionary embedded in a PDF file.