Package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.fc.checks
package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.fc.checks
ClassesClassDescriptionAn abstract class for PDF lock dictionary validationChecks if the mimetype file is acceptableChecks if the zip comment is acceptableChecks if all files are signed inside an ASiC containerThis class checks whether a document contains annotation creation, modification or deletion changes occurred after the signature revisionThis class verifies if all signatures and document timestamps present in a PDF are validThis class verifies the applicability of the /ByteRange field extracted from a corresponding PDF revisionChecks if the current signature /ByteRange does not collide with other signature byte rangesChecks if the container type is acceptableVerifies a signature according to given permissions for the document in /DocMDPThis class verifies whether the elliptic curve key size used to create the signature corresponds to the defined within 'alg' header of the JWA signature as per RFC 7518.Verifies a signature according to given permissions for the document in /FieldMDPChecks if the signature format is acceptableThis class checks whether a document contains form fill or signing modifications occurred after the signature revisionChecks if the signature covers FULL scope documentsChecks if the manifest file is present inside an ASiC containerChecks if a mimetype file is presentThis class checks whether the input document is a compliant according to the determined PDF/A formatVerifies if a PDF contains annotations overlappingThis class is used to check whether a determined PDF/A profile of the input document is acceptable.Verifies if a PDF contains difference between page amount in different revisionsThis class verifies whether the corresponding signature dictionary is consistent across PDF revisions.Verifies if a PDF has visual difference between revisionsChecks if the references are not ambiguous (only one document is retrieved)Verifies a signature according to given permissions for the signature field in /SigFieldLockChecks if the signature can be identifierChecks if signed file are present in an ASiC containerChecks if only one SignatureInformationStore is present for a PAdES signatureThis class checks whether a document contains undefined object modificationsChecks if the zip comment is present