Package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.xcv.sub.checks
package eu.europa.esig.dss.validation.process.bbb.xcv.sub.checks
ClassesClassDescriptionChecks if the authority information access urls are presentThis check verifies if the certificate contains BasicConstraint.cA attribute and its value is set to trueThis check verifies whether the certificate path depth of the current certificate is conformant with BasicConstraints.pathLenConstraint value defined within intermediate CA certificates precessing in the chainThis class verifies if the certificate does not contain forbidden certificate extensionsChecks if the certificate has been issued to a legal personChecks if the certificate has been issued to a natural personThis class verifies if the certificate's issuer distinguished name matches the subject distinguished name of the issuerChecks if the QCEuRetentionPeriod constraintChecks the minimal allowed QC transaction limit for the certificateThis check verifies the validity of the certificate in regard to "Name constraint" certificate extension's value in its certificate chain.Checks if the certificate is not on holdChecks if the certificate is not revokekChecks if the certificate is not self-signedChecks if the certificate policy ids are acceptableChecks if the certificate policies contain a Qualified identifier(s)Checks if the certificate has a is a supported by QSCD policy identifierThis check verifies if the certificate has a valid policy tree according to its certification path in regard to RFC 5280Checks the certificate's QcPS2D IdChecks the certificate's QcPS2D NameChecks the certificate's QcPS2D RoleChecks if the country code or set of country codes defined in QcCCLegislation is supported by the policyChecks if the certificate is QC Compliant (has the id-etsi-qcs-QcCompliance statement)Checks the minimal allowed QCLimitValue statement is defined with an acceptable currencyChecks the defined PDS locations for the certificateChecks if the certificate is supported by QCSD (has the id-etsi-qcs-QcSSCD statement)Checks the certificate's QcType(s)This class verifies the result of a
Checks if the certificate is self-signedChecks the QCStatement SemanticsIdentifier valueChecks if the certificate's signature is validVerifies if the certificate does not contain any of the certificate extensions listed within a list of unsupported certificate extensionsChecks if the certificate is not expiredChecks if the certificate's common name is acceptableChecks if the country's name is acceptableChecks if the certificate's email attribute is acceptableChecks if the extended key usage is acceptableChecks if the certificate's given name are acceptableChecks if the certificate's key usage are acceptableChecks if the certificate's localityName attribute is acceptableChecks if the certificate's organizationIdentifier attribute is acceptableChecks if the certificate's organization name is acceptableChecks if the certificate's organization unit is acceptableRepresents a valid_policy_tree node (leaf) as per RFC 5280Checks if the certificate's pseudonym is acceptableChecks if the certificate's pseudo usage is acceptableThis class is used to verify whether the revocation data check shall be skipped for the given certificateChecks if the revocation freshness checker's result is validChecks if the revocation access points are present in the certificateThis class checks if the provided certificate token is trustedThis class verifies if a validation time is in the validity range of the certificate of the issuer of the revocation informationChecks if the certificate's serial number is presentChecks if the certificate's stateOrProvinceName attribute is acceptableChecks if the certificate's surname is acceptableChecks if the certificate's title attribute is acceptable